Claire Biddles

Music, film and arts writer

Selected work


I am a music, film and arts writer based in Glasgow, Scotland. I am a regular contributor to The Wire and The Guardian and have written reviews, essays and profiles for publications including Tribune, the Quietus, Jacobin, Tone Glow and Little White Lies.I have a particular interest in queer cinema, fandom, and the false dichotomy of pop and experimental music. I have interviewed musicians, writers and filmmakers including Sparks, Bright Eyes, Lydia Lunch, Grant Morrison, Sally Potter, L'Rain, Manic Street Preachers and Melanie C.I have written programme notes for film screenings, essays for exhibition publications and bios for bands. I have introduced screenings and hosted Q&As, and I co-host the film podcast Overinvested with Gavia Baker-Whitelaw. I make zines about my pop culture obsessions and host a monthly show at Clyde Built Radio.As well as writing for publications, I also have over ten years' experience in arts and culture communications, with organisations including Glasgow Film and Edinburgh Art Festival.


If you would like to work with me, please contact me by email: clairebiddles AT